Presentation of the New Practical Guide to the Chair of TC2 Charles Dunn
Charles Dunn C.Eng. MIET received his copy of the Practical Guide to the National Rules for Electrical Installations.
As you are aware, the new NSAI I.S. 10101:2020 (Edition 5.0) National Rules for Electrical Installations was released on April 1st of this year. NSAI Technical Committee 2 was tasked with the development of this new standard. Charles Dunn (TC2 chair), myself and the rest of the team on TC2 put a lot of work into this standard with the help of our employers and colleagues, and also from many in the electrical industry who provided comments and feedback when the draft was open for public consultation.
I.S. 10101 is quite a large and technical document and I felt a practical guide would benefit a lot of its readers. I have teamed up with my sons Darren, Jonathan, and Shane to create this guide. Myself, Darren, and Jonathan are qualified electricians, but we have also used our other experiences to help produce this document; myself as a former RECI inspector, Darren as a company director for Armour Electrical, and Jonathan as a design engineer for JV Tierney & Co.
We believe this guide is the perfect companion to the new rules and we hope you'll agree.
The guidebook is on sale now from our webshop.